New Book: Teaching Landscape History
Teaching Landscape History edited by Jan Woudstra and David Jacques will be published by Routledge on 21 November 2023:
Landscape history is changing in content and style to address the issues of today. Experienced teachers and authors on the history of gardens and landscapes came together in September 2022 at the University of Sheffield to share ideas on the future of teaching history in departments of landscape architecture, archaeology, geography and allied subjects. A new volume generated presents the main papers and findings from the conference, provides a manifesto and a call for international collaboration.
Design history remains important, but the volume brings to the fore the increasing importance of environmental history, economic history, landscape history, cultural landscapes, environmental justice and decolonization, ideas of sustainability and climate change amelioration, which may all be useful in serving the needs of a widening range of students in an increasingly complex world. The main themes include:
- – what history should we narrate in the education of landscape architects?
- – how can we recognize counter-narratives and our own bias?
- – how should we engage the students in the history of their chosen profession?
- – how can designers and researchers be persuaded of the relevance of history teaching to theory and practice?
- – and what resources do we need to develop teaching of landscape histories?
This book will be of interest to anyone teaching courses on landscape architecture, urban design, horticulture, garden design, architectural history, cultural geography, and more. It will also be a useful reader for serious students of landscape history.
Please check the publisher’s website for pre-publication offers: Teaching-Landscape-History/Woudstra-Jacques-Holden