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Call for partners/sponsors: 25th Year Exhibition – European Year for historical gardens 1993


Rodrigo Dias from Lusiada University-Estejo Quintas research Portugal is joining efforts and searching for sponsors and partners to put in action an idea and a long-standing dream to make an international exhibition about the European Year of the Historic Gardens 1993. In that year, 66 European gardens from twelve European countries where selected as examples, and the rehabilitation projects and works were sponsored by the EU.

This year of 2018 was chosen as The European Year of Cultural Heritage, and Rodrigo Dias wish to promote a retrospective Exhibition of the 25 years of the 66 gardens. Many of the gardens are North European gardens and one of them is the Clausholm garden in Denmark (visited at the Gammel Estrup ENCOUNTER conference in 2017). See a list of the gardens and countries selected in EYHG1993

The idea is to open the exhibition in September in Portugal with a meeting of delegates from the 66 gardens, and to publish a catalogue. The exhibition will be a travelling exhibition between the 12 countries. The exhibition could be an opportunity to build a forum of communication and reflection about the path of 25 years of the gardens and to understand the benefit and contribution of the rehabilitation projects, to social economic and cultural welfare of the communities that own the gardens. It is also a way to promote the academic research, the change of experiences and the economy through tourism.

We search for a contact to the management of each garden to establish the terms of cooperation and to select the elements for the panels of the exhibition.


For more information or to join the project – contact Rodrigo Dias, Lusiada University, Lisbon