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The Count’s Residence in Larvik, Norway


Vestfoldmuseene – Larvik Museum in Norway has surveyed and explored the relationship between the count’s residence and Larvik town, when it was at its peak as residence for the Danish noble family Danneskiold-Laurvig in the 18th century.

Thanks to participation in the EEA project “The Wooden Treasure. Preserving Heritage, Design Future” the museum has come a step closer to understanding the residence’s role as a noble man’s home and administration center for Larvikshire.

The project was initiated by Osrodek Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN in Lublin and aimed at documenting and promoting the traditional wooden architecture of small towns in the Lublin region and calling the local communities’ attention to the problem of degradation of the multicultural heritage of the Lublin region.

An important part of the project was to develop 3D-models of five small Polish towns and one Norwegian. The model of 18thcentury and as well 20th century Larvik was made possible through a partnership between the museum, the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) and the Geodata department in Larvik Municipality.

The project was presented during the DEMHIST-session at the ICOM general conference Museums and Cultural Landscapes in Milano this summer and the project’s website is currently launched.

Click to visit Larvik’s website within the project:

Models are available in Explorer and Firefox:

Contact: Aina Aske, Vestfoldmuseene, Larvik Museum,