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Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies

Svenska sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier
Suomen 1700-luvun tutkimuksen seura/Finska sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier
Norsk selskap for 1700-tallsstudier
Dansk selskab for 1700-talsstudier
Félag um átjándu aldar fræði, Ísland




Call for papers for a theme issue 

The Eighteenth Century since the Eighteenth Century: 

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Historiography and Cultural Heritage 

The 2019 issue of Sjuttonhundratal is planned as a theme issue with a historiographic perspective. Based on the conference held in Uppsala in October 2017, the editors wish to contribute to knowledge about the eighteenth century as an idea, a concept and a historical period. The
papers can deal with the century in terms of, for instance, literary, visual, filmic, musical and theatrical representations. Papers can analyse (work with) restorations and exhibitions concerning the eighteenth century. Another possible perspective is to discuss ideas which have
been significant since the eighteenth century or which are associated with the Enlightenment in the broadest sense.

The editors welcome suggestions for articles, essays and debate pieces on the theme of the issue. An abstract of roughly 300 words should reach the editors by 1 September 2018, finished articles by 1 December 2018. Sjuttonhundratal publishes texts in the Scandinavian languages, English, French and German. Please consult the website for complete instructions for authors. | | |