Network members

Members of ENCOUNTER
European Network for Country House and Estate Research


To join or follow the network please contact The Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies at



Achtenhagen, Manfred
Chairman, Association of Manors, Castles and Estates Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V., Germany


Adelswärd, Rebecka Millhagen
PhD, Managing Director, Carl Göran Adelswärd Research Foundation, Sweden


Adlercreutz, Thomas
Stjärnhovs säteri, Sweden


Ahlklo, Åsa K.
Researcher, SLU – Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden


Alatalu, Riin
Project Manager of EEA Manor Schools program, Cultural Heritage Department, Ministry of Culture, Estonia


Alma, Redmer
Historian and archivist, Twickel Manor, Delden, The Netherlands


Alstrup, Kent
Architect, Agency for Culture and Palaces, Denmark


Amundsen, Arne Bugge
Professor of Cultural History, University of Oslo, Norway


Andersen, Britta
Museum Director (retired), Gammel Estrup the Danish Manor Museum, Denmark


Andersen, Jesper Munk
Curator, The Royal Danish Collection, Denmark


Andersen, Kirsten Lund
Landscape architect, Landskabsarkitekter Raadvad, Denmark


Andersen, Marie Aaberg
Curator, Gammel Estrup the Danish Manor Museum, Denmark


Anderson, Roberta
Senior lecturer, Bath Spa University, United Kingdom


Andersson, Gudrun
Associate Professor, Department of History, Uppsala University, Sweden


Anker-Rasch, Petter
Chairman, Stiftelsen Rød Herregård, Norway


Aske, Aina
Curator, Larvik Museum, Norway


Atzbach, Rainer
Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, Denmark


Bach, Andrea
Department of Libraries, Goethe-Institut, Germany


Balčūne, Iveta
M.Phil, M.Soc.Sci, Manager of Luznava Manor at Rezekne District Municipality, Latvia


Beldiman, Dana
Academic Director and Founder of the Center for Transnational IP, Media and Technology Law and Policy and Honorary Professor at Bucerius Law School, Germany


Bering, Peter
Architect, Arkitekt Bering, Denmark


Berkhout, Lenneke
Ph.D Candidate, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Bertelsen, Thomas
Head of Heritage PhD, Over Byen Arkitekter ApS, Denmark


Bijleveld, Nikolaj Hein
Researcher and lecturer, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Bock, Sabine
Prof. Dr.-Ing., Deutsche Burgenvereinigung e.V., Schwerin, Germany


Boeskov, Signe
Head of Research Center, The Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies, Denmark


Bouresh, Betttina
Dr., Chairperson, Lehndorff-Gesellschaft Steinort, Germany


Bremer, Héléne
Art historian / project curator at Middachten Castle, De Steeg, The Netherlands


Broeke, Martin van den
Researcher, The Netherlands


Brown, Helen
PhD Candidate, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom


Brownson, Lucy
PhD Candidate, The University of Sheffield & Chatsworth House Trust, United Kingdom


Buisman, Jurn
General Director, Museum Geelvinck, The Netherlands


Butler, Lauren
PhD Candidate, the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom


Calf, Louise
PhD Candidate, University of York and Chatsworth House Trust, United Kingdom


Carlweitz, Pontus
Curator, Nynäs slott / Nynäs Manor, Södermanland, Sweden


Chalus, Elaine
Professor, Department of History, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom


Christensen, Jesper Meyer
Curator, Museum Midtjylland, Denmark


Christmann, Gabriela B.
Prof. Dr., Deputy Director, Head of Research Department “Dynamics of Communication, Knowledge and Spatial Development”, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS), Germany


Clapperton, Fiona
PhD Candidate, the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom


Conroy, Rachel
Curator, Dr., Temple Newsam, Leeds Museums Galleries, United Kingdom


Coviello, Sarah
Assistant Curator, Collections & Learning, Russborough House and Park, Ireland


Cowell, Ben
Director General, Historic Houses, United Kingdom


Cox, Oliver
Knowledge Exchange Fellow, TORCH, University of Oxford, UK and Chairman of the Thames Valley Country House Partnership, United Kingdom


Cruyningen, Piet van
Senior researcher, Wageningen University, the Netherlands


de Haan, Esther
Consultant and researcher on country houses, Erfgoed Noord-Holland (owner), The Netherlands


Dias, Rodrigo
Landscape architect, Ph.D candidate, Lusiada University, Portugal


Dietze-Schirdewahn, Annegreth
Professor, Norwegian Institute of Life Sciences, NMBU, Norway


Dinse, Friederike
Consultant, Kekst CNC, Germany


Doole, Megan
PhD Student, Wollaton Hall and University of Nottingham, United Kingdom


Dooley, Terence
Professor, Director, Centre for the Study of Historic Irish Houses and Estates, Maynooth University, Ireland


Dyrmann, Kristine
PhD, postdoc, The Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies, Denmark


Eade, Jane
Dr., Curator, London Southeast, The National Trust, United Kingdom


Ehrenheim, Jacob von 
Grönsöö Slott, Sweden


Erichsen, John
Historian, Independent Scholar, Denmark


Estvad, Steen
Architect MAA, Independent Scholar, Denmark


Evans, Shaun
Dr., Director, Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates (ISWE), Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom


Fielauf, Anja
Palace Management Assistant and Museum Educator, The Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany


Finch, Jonathan
Professor, Director of Studies MA in Historical Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of York, United Kingdom


Finstad, Jøril
Consultant, Forsvarsbygg nasjonale festningsverk, Norway


Fischer-Hansen, Anne-Sophie
Art historian, Lecturer, Denmark


Fraiser, Ian
Conservator, Leeds Museums and Galleries, United Kingdom


Frausing, Mikael
Museum Curator, Silkeborg Museum, Denmark


French, Henry
Professor, Department of History, University of Exeter, United Kingdom


Fruergaard, Janne
Monastery custodian, Ørslev Kloster, Denmark


Gaffron und Oberstradam, Hans von
Chairman, The GGO Foundation, Sweden


Gaffron und Oberstradam, Pauline von
CEO, Stiftelsen C.L.I.E., Sweden


Gestrin, Tryggve
Curator, Cultural Environment Manager, Espoo City Museum, Finland


Gietman, Conrad
Lecturer, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Gration, Jonathan
PhD Researcher, Digital Building Heritage Group, De Montfort University, United Kingdom


Green, Michaël
Postdoctoral researcher, Centre for Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Gustavsson, Karin
Researcher, Division of Ethnology, University of Lund, Sweden


Hagemann von Levachoff, Ann
Ruuthsbo Manor, Sweden


Hagemann von Levachoff, Gustav A. 
Ruuthsbo Manor, Sweden


Hansen, Markus Christian
MPhil (Cantab), MLitt (St. Andrews), Lund University, Sweden


Harjula, Susanna
Curator, Nynäs slott / Nynäs Manor, Södermanland, Sweden


Haugen, Synnøve
Architect, Statsbygg, Norway


Hautamäki, Maiju
Project Coordinator, Håkansböle Manor, Vantaa City Museum, Finland


Heck, Kilian
Professor, Lehrstuhl für Kunstgeschichte, Caspar David Friedrich Insitut, University of Greifswald, Germany


Hellsing, My
Postdoc, Uppsala University, Sweden


Hems, Alison
Senior lecturer, Bath Spa University, United Kingdom


Henningsen, Helle
Curator, archaeologist, Denmark


Hesse, Philipp
Architect, Chairman Halbes Schloss Langenleuba-Niederhain, Vice-chairman Interessengemeinschaft private Schlösser, Burgen und Gutsanlagen in Thüringen, Germany


Heyde, Steven
Research Assistant, University College Ghent, Belgium


Hjermind, Jesper
Curator, Viborg Museum, Denmark


Hoepman, Manuela
Centre for Castles and Country Estates, The Netherlands


Holtermann, Carl Fredrik
Board Member of the Baroque Academy, Sweden


Hvinden-Haug, Lars Jacob
Architect, NIKU, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research, Norway


Højbjerg, Klaus
Art Historian, Academic assistant, Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies, Denmark


Häkkinen, Ismo
Landscape architect, SITO Ltd Landscape planning, Finland


Ijsbrandy, Merel
Kasteel Duivenvoorde, The Netherlands


Ilmakunnas, Johanna
Professor, Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Åbo Akademi University, Finland


Jakobsen, Michael Nobel
Museum Curator, PhD, Koldinghus, Denmark


Jakobsen, Rasmus Skovgaard
Museum Curator, PhD, Vejlemuseerne, Denmark


Jamieson, Elizabeth
Study Programme Director, The Attingham Trust, United Kingdom


Johansen, Daniel
Curator, Sverresborg Trøndelag Folkemuseum/Austrått project, Norway


Kelso, Glynn
Curator, Dr, Queen’s University Belfast and Department for Communities, Northern Ireland


Keyes, Garry
Academic employee, Ørslev Kloster, Denmark


Kepsu, Kasper
Researcher, University of Helsinki, Finland


Kindstrand, Magnus
Lawyer, Advokat Magnus Kindstrand, Stockholm, Sweden


Kjær, Ulla
Senior researcher, National Museum of Denmark, Denmark


Klabere, Liva
Archivist, Rundale Palace, Latvia


Knudsen, Søren Broberg
Historian, Academic assistant, Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies, Denmark


Knudsen, Bodil Møller
Historian, researcher, City Archives of Horsens, Denmark


Koefoed, Nina Javette
Associate professor, University of Aarhus, History, Denmark


Kuiper, Yme
Emeritus Professor, Historical Anthropology & Anthropology of Religion/Historic Country Houses & Landed Estates, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Kulevicius, Salvijus
PhD, Vilnius University, Lithuania


Lange, Ulrich
Senior lecturer, Docent, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


Leuraers, Cato
Ir. Architect, Doctoral Researcher, History, Theory & Criticism of Architecture, Department of Architecture | Faculty of Engineering Science, KU Leuven, Belgium


Limburg Stirum-von Gerhardt, Heidi van
Producer, Day of the Castle Foundation, The Netherlands


Linnovara, Kristina
Head of Archives, DPhil, Society of Swedish Litterature in Finland, Finland


Lisei, Annalisa Loen
MD-Psychiatrist(retired), Member of the board of the Dutch – Venice Committee for the Safeguarding of Venice, in promoting restoration and maintenance of the artistic and cultural heritage of Venice.


Luh, Jürgen
Head of Research, Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany


Lyngholm, Dorte Kook
Museum Curator, Viborg Historiske Museum, Denmark


MacKnight, Elizabeth
Researcher, France


Maekelberg, Sanne
Postdoctoral Researcher Architectural History, KU, Leuven, Belgium.


Maguire, Hugh
Dr., Hugh Maguire Cultural Heritage, Ireland


Mathiesen, Ingeborg Sophie Mellgren
Landscape Architect, researcher, garden archeology, Kroken Gård, Stor-Elvdal, Norway


Mathiassen, Tove Engelhardt
Research Fellow at the Center for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Mellergaard, Niels
Landscape Architect, Slots- og kulturstyrelsen, Denmark


Menning, Daniel
Seminar für Neuere Geschichte, Universität Tübingen, Germany


Meyer, Nils
Head of Department of Monument Preservation, Dr. Ing. Arch., Authority for Culture and Media – State Office for the Protection of Monuments, Hamburg, Germany


Moes, Rozemarijn
PhD Candidate, Radboud University, The Netherlands


Moret Petrini, Sylvie
histrorian/lecturer, University of Lausanne, Switzerland


Mullaney-Dignam, Karol
Dr., Lecturer in History & MA Programme Director: Public History & Cultural Heritage, University of Limerick, Ireland


Müller, Diana
Ostfalia University Of Applied Science, Faculty of Transport-Sports-Tourism-Media, Institute for Tourism and Regional Research, Germany


Müllneritsch, Helga

Dr., Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


Murphy, Rachel A.
Dr., Associate Teacher, MA History of Family | Irish Research Council Laureate Fellow, University of Limerick, Ireland


Neighbors, Dustin Michael
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Centre for Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Nilén, Kristina
Building conservator, Tyréns AB, Sweden


Nielsen, Eva Trein
Historian, Independent Scholar, Denmark


Norrback, Märtha
Museum Director, The Mannerheim museum, Finland


Nyholt, Sanna
Antiquarian Eskilstuna City Museum and City Archives, MA student at Department of history, Uppsala University, Sweden


Nøklebye, Kirsten Bertheau
Curator (retired), Freelance researcher, in ethnology, Norway


Odlinder Haubo, Stina
Independent researcher, Drottingholm Kulturkonsult AB, Sweden


Olavi, Annika
Building Architect, Sweco Architects, Sweden


Olsson, Eva Lillienberg
Director (retired), Gyldenstiernska Krapperupstiftelsen, Sweden


Olsson, Gustav
Museum Director, Kulturen, Lund, Sweden


Olsson, Patrik
Teacher and Researcher, SLU Alnarp, Sweden


Oosterom, Gerrit van 
PhD Candidate, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Overkamp, Anne Sophie
Dipl.-Kulturwiss., Postdoc, University of Tübingen, Germany


Pedersen, Mikkel Venborg
Senior Researcher, National Museum of Denmark, Denmark


Prytz, Cristina
Reseacher, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom


Purdue, Olwen
Lecturer, Dr., Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland


Pärn, Elis
Junior Research Fellow in Art History, Tartu University, Estonia


Rasmussen, Carsten Porskrog
Head of Department, Dr.phil, Sønderborg Castle, Museum Sønderjylland, Denmark


Reilly, Ciarán
Dr., Assistant Director of the Centre for the Study of Historic Irish Houses & Estates, Department of History, Maynooth University, Ireland.


Ronnes, Hanneke
Professor, Chair: Historic Country Houses and Landed Estates, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.


Röst, Anna
Curator, Dr., Årsta Castle Museum, Sweden.


Rothery, Mark
Associate Professor, University of Northampton, United Kingdom


Rodowicz-Czechowska, Jadwiga
Deputy Director for Development, Józef Piłsudski Museum, Sulejówek, Poland


Schaffhausen, Claudia
Manager of Public Affairs and Marketing, Association of Manors, Castles and Estates Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V., Germany


Schlemmer, Christoph
M.A., Seminar für Neuere Geschichte, Universität Tübingen, Germany


Schuldt, Stefanie
PhD fellow, University of Greifswald, Germany


Sebro, Louise
Curator, The Reventlow Museum, Museum Lolland-Falster, Denmark


Seesko, Per
Archivist (researcher), The Danish National Archives, Denmark


Serup, Helle
Curator, Det Grønne Museum, Denmark


Skyllberg, Eva
Head of Department Julita Gård, Stiftelsen Nordiska Museet, Sweden


Smidt, Claus
Art Historian, Denmark


Snellman, Alex
PhD, University of Helsinki, Finland


Solomons, Amy
PhD candidate, University of Liverpool and the National Trust, United Kingdom


Spek, Theo
Professor, University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Stausholm, Anne Fischer
Landscape Architect (owner), Anne Stausholm Landskabsarkitekter, Denmark


Steinrud, Marie
Associate Professor, Stockholm University, Sweden


Stobart, Jon
Professor, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom


Storms-Smeets, Elyze
PhD, Gelders Genootschap, The Netherlands


Strømberg, Ulla
Freelance, DEMHIST (ICOM), Denmark


Stureika, Stsiapan
Chair of ICOMOS-Belarus National Committee, Latvia


Sunde, Jørn Øyrehagen
Professor at the Insitute for Public Law, Oslo University, Norway


Tandefelt, Henrika
Associate professor, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland


Taylor, Clare
Professor of Art History and Material Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom


Taylor, Clive M.
Ellys Manor House, United Kingdom


Tipsmark, Kasper Steenfeldt
Museum Director, PhD , Gammel Estrup the Danish Manor and Estate Museum and Chairman of the board, The Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies, Denmark


Trampedach, Kirsten
Curator, National Museum of Denmark, Denmark


Trinkert, Julia
Assistant professor, Department of Art History, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany


Uhde, Robert
Verein der Schlösser, Guts- und Herrenhäuser Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V., Germany


Ulväng, Göran
Associate professor, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University, Sweden


Valentijn, Hannelore
Collection manager Huis te Linschoten, Landgoed Linschoten, The Netherlands


Vernquist, Johanna
PhD. in Language and Culture, Associate Professor in Literary Studies, Linköping University, Sweden


Verschure-Stuip, Gerdy
Assistant professor, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Wallace, Hannah
PhD Candidate, the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom


Warleigh-Lack, Christopher
Curator, Historic Royal Palaces, Hillsborough castle, United Kingdom


Warring, Ellen
Curator, Odense City Museums, Denmark


Wasmuth, Arne Cornelius
Marzona Foundation NSW, Germany


Winther, Signe
Associate Partner, Landscape Architect, Cand.arch, Schønherr, Denmark


Woudstra, Jan
Dr., Reader, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom


Worthington, Victoria
PhD Candidate, University of Sheffield and the Devonshire Educational Trust, United Kingdom


Wood, Barbara
Curator, Somerset, South & East Devon, Killerton House & Estate, National Trust, United Kingdom


Zabalueva, Olga


Zalewski, Paul
Professor, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Professur für Denkmalkunde, Germany


Åstrøm, Anna-Maria
Professor, University of Turku, Finland